Thursday, October 18, 2007

ikebana lesson 10/18/2007, Basics

Welcome, Janet, Jingmei, and Rebecca.
Photo 1, 2: Basic upright by Janet. The first one was done on 10/12, Janet's first lesson. The shin was a little too short, so the whole arrangement was a liitle too tight. Since all the elements were placed at the right place/angle, the arrangement was successful. The second one was done on 10/18, her second lesson. This time was much better, though the picture didn't justify to show her arrangement. (It's always off in certain degree to use photo, 2 dimensional picture, to show 3 dimensional object.)

Photo 3: Basic upright by Jingmei (10/12). This was her second class. Good feel about proportion and space. Well done.

Photo 4: Basic upright by Rebecca (10/18). Her very first lesson. Good understanding, well balanced arrangement. Excellent job.

Photo 5: No. 3 variation, upright, nageire, by Donna. Nageire is always challenging. She tried soegi-dome (vertical type fixture) technique.Well done. Shin and Soe were very stable. The whole arrangement is well balanced. Because of camera angle, the hikae looked short, but actually not.

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